Inspection and approval

We approve and inspect your fire pump!

Testing and inspection of your Firepack

The Activities Decree dictates the environmental demands a company must be able to meet. The decree states that, per 2016, all pump sets must be periodically inspected and approved by a SCIOS-accredited organisation. WB Firepacks offers an inspection and approval service to help you comply with regulations. SCIOS is the Dutch foundation for the certification of maintenance and inspection of combustion plants.

How does a SCIOS-certificate affect your pump installation?

Depending on your installation, you must meet certain SCIOS requirements. During the inspection, the following SCIOS parts are checked:

  • Scope 4: inspection of combustion motor and gas turbines.
  • Scope 7c: fuel lead; only for installations with an external tank.

The inspection procedure

Step 1: Initial Special Inspection (ISI)

Have you begun using a new installation, or has your pump set never been inspected? Then the first step is to perform an Initial Special Inspection (ISI). WB Firepacks can perform ISIs when commissioning your Firepack, pump sets by other manufacturers, of Firepacks which have already been in service. During the ISI, we check whether your installation’s design complies with applicable standards and regulations. Next, the limit values and inspection instructions for follow-up inspections are determined; this is an essential step of the SCIOS-procedure.

Stap 2: Periodic Inspection (PI)

Following the ISI, your installation must be inspected periodically – and WB Firepacks can also perform PIs on your behalf. Using the ISI report, the following aspects are verified: safety precautions present, any adjustment, and demonstrability of maintenance. 

SCIOS-proofing your installation

WB Firepacks provides maintenance as well as periodic SCIOS inspections on all diesel-driven Firepacks and all fire pump sets from other suppliers. If you have any questions about SCIOS regulations and/or certification of your fire pump sets (whether or not from WB Firepacks), please do not hesitate to contact us.

Willem den Breejen - WB Firepacks

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"Installers and end users come to me if they have questions pertaining to the maintenance or inspection. Our Service team keeps the “heart” of your fire-extinguishing system in good condition and assures the functioning at any time necessary!"

Willem den Breejen